Message from Principal

I welcome you all to Daffodil International College and express my heartiest thanks for visiting us in the web page.

We live in the age of information and communication technology. In order to utilize the opportunity of modern technology, Daffodil International College, Chandpur has opened a website so that everybody including students and ex-students of this college can easily get all the information and activities of the college from the website.     Moreover, we are working to digitize the college accounts, admission procedure, academic calendar, syllabus, results and students' progress report .It will be helpful for anyone to get easy access to required information from anywhere of the world.


Daffodil International College, Chandpur starts its journey in 2016 at stadium road with 130 students. Now, there are about 750 students in 1 st  year and 2 nd  year.  The Founder of the college Dr. Md. Sabur Khan  has a noble idea in founding such a college in Chandpur . He wants to provide standard education to the students of his hometown with low expense. All the teaching staffs of the  college are working hard to make the purpose successful and materialize  the dream and expectations of The Chairman of the college.

We aim at imparting qualitative education to the students and we also believe that it will enable our youngsters to   take any kind of risk to meet the challenges of the rapidly changing world. It is true that each person is a unique human being created and endowed by the Almighty with a variety of talents and abilities. This latent talent can be discovered and nurtured within a learning friendly atmosphere in which, all are challenged to personal growth and mutual responsibility.    To bring out the latent talent and intelligence of our young learners, we have been working relentlessly from the very beginning to provide necessary guidance, advice and extra care at every step of learning. As a result we are stepping ahead with great success.

We are very much committed to contribute in building a self-reliant Bangladesh nurturing the young generation with moral and human qualities. We also heartily expect very sincere co-operation from all. On behalf of Daffodil International College, I can assure you a bright prospect for your beloved ones.


May Allah be with us.